settle a dispute
- 解决争端

Then one day two farmers came to the magistrate hoping he might settle a dispute .
Your change settle a dispute actually , but can change an attitude ;
Settle a dispute , an argument , an issue , etc
You 've called gangster friends to help you settle a dispute .
Why should a girl 's life be ruined to settle a dispute she had nothing to do with ?
The initiative step to settle a dispute according to WTO rules is the first by China since it joined the global trade body in2001 .
The owner of the task has final say in all design disputes , but the best way to settle a dispute is to try both ideas and choose the one that works best .
Second , we should scientifically grasp the basis and conditions for employing the method of mediation or sentencing to settle a dispute and make careful mediation if it is possible to do so ;
Tapie received a $ 520 million state payout to settle a dispute with state-owned bank Credit Lyonnais over the botched sale of Adidas sportswear in the early 90s .
To decide or settle ( a dispute , for example ) conclusively and authoritatively .
Goldman itself is negotiating with Shenzhen Nanshan Power , a mainland utility , to settle a contractual dispute relating to oil derivatives contracts .
" Communication helped the government garner public support , the main obstacle to implementation , and settle a long-simmering dispute in the area ," Mazzei observes .
Tapie , a former left-wing government minister who switched sides to support Sarkozy's2007 presidential campaign , was paid to settle a legal dispute with a state-owned bank .
When it comes to substantive issues - such as a long-running attempt to settle a demarcation dispute over disputed underwater gas reserves - little tangible progress has been made .
In order to further stabilize the labor relations , trade union organizations regard to establish a union organization , to sign a collective contract and to settle a labor dispute as their major task .
One of the most significant agreements is intended to settle a protracted dispute over the sale and refurbishing of a Russian aircraft carrier that is to be delivered to India 's Navy by the end of 2012 .
Her candidacy could be overshadowed by a judicial investigation into her appointment of an arbitration panel to settle a long-running dispute between Bernard Tapie , a well-known French business tycoon , and the French government .